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Version: 0.3.x

Touying Counters

The states of Touying are placed under the states namespace, including all counters.

Slide Counter

You can access the slide counter using states.slide-counter and display the current slide number with states.slide-counter.display().

Last-Slide Counter

In some cases, we may need to add an appendix to slides, leading to the requirement to freeze the last-slide counter. Therefore, a second counter is maintained here.

You can use states.last-slide-number to display the number of the last slide before the appendix.


You can use

#states.touying-progress(ratio => ..)

to show the current progress.


You can use

// appendix by freezing last-slide-number
#let s = (s.methods.appendix)(self: s)
#let (slide,) = utils.methods(s)


syntax to enter the appendix.

Additionally, #let s = (s.methods.appendix-in-outline)(self: s, false) can be used to hide the appendix section from the outline.