Pinit package provides the ability to perform absolute positioning based on the page and relative positioning based on "pins," making it convenient to implement arrow pointing and explanatory effects for slides.
Simple Exampleβ
#import "@preview/pinit:0.1.3": *
#set text(size: 24pt)
A simple #pin(1)highlighted text#pin(2).
#pinit-highlight(1, 2)
#pinit-point-from(2)[It is simple.]
Another example:
Complex Exampleβ
An example of shared usage with Touying:
#import "@preview/touying:0.4.0": *
#import "@preview/pinit:0.1.3": *
#( = "presentation-4-3")
#let (init, slides) = utils.methods(s)
#show: init
#set text(size: 20pt, font: "Calibri", ligatures: false)
#show heading: set text(weight: "regular")
#show heading: set block(above: 1.4em, below: 1em)
#show heading.where(level: 1): set text(size: 1.5em)
// Useful functions
#let crimson = rgb("#c00000")
#let greybox(..args, body) = rect(fill: luma(95%), stroke: 0.5pt, inset: 0pt, outset: 10pt, ..args, body)
#let redbold(body) = {
set text(fill: crimson, weight: "bold")
#let blueit(body) = {
set text(fill: blue)
#let (slide, empty-slide) = utils.slides(s)
#show: slides
// Main body
#slide(self => [
#let (uncover, only) = utils.methods(self)
= Asymptotic Notation: $O$
Use #pin("h1")asymptotic notations#pin("h2") to describe asymptotic efficiency of algorithms.
(Ignore constant coefficients and lower-order terms.)
Given a function $g(n)$, we denote by $O(g(n))$ the following *set of functions*:
#redbold(${f(n): "exists" c > 0 "and" n_0 > 0, "such that" f(n) <= c dot g(n) "for all" n >= n_0}$)
#pinit-highlight("h1", "h2")
$f(n) = O(g(n))$: #pin(1)$f(n)$ is *asymptotically smaller* than $g(n)$.#pin(2)
// #absolute-place(dx: 550pt, dy: 320pt, image(width: 25%, "asymptotic.png"))
$f(n) redbold(in) O(g(n))$: $f(n)$ is *asymptotically* #redbold[at most] $g(n)$.
#only("4-", pinit-line(stroke: 3pt + crimson, start-dy: -0.25em, end-dy: -0.25em, 1, 2))
#block[Insertion Sort as an #pin("r1")example#pin("r2"):]
- Best Case: $T(n) approx c n + c' n - c''$ #pin(3)
- Worst case: $T(n) approx c n + (c' \/ 2) n^2 - c''$ #pin(4)
#pinit-rect("r1", "r2")
#pinit-place(3, dx: 15pt, dy: -15pt)[#redbold[$T(n) = O(n)$]]
#pinit-place(4, dx: 15pt, dy: -15pt)[#redbold[$T(n) = O(n)$]]
#blueit[Q: Is $n^(3) = O(n^2)$#pin("que")? How to prove your answer#pin("ans")?]
#only("8-", pinit-point-to("que", fill: crimson, redbold[No.]))
#only("8-", pinit-point-from("ans", body-dx: -150pt)[
Show that the equation $(3/2)^n >= c$ \
has infinitely many solutions for $n$.