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Version: 0.6.x

Math Equation Animations

Touying also provides a unique and highly useful feature—math equation animations, allowing you to conveniently use pause and meanwhile within math equations.

Simple Animation

Let's start with an example:

Touying equation with pause:

f(x) &= pause x^2 + 2x + 1 \
&= pause (x + 1)^2 \


Touying equation is very simple.


We use the touying-equation function to incorporate pause and meanwhile within the text of math equations (in fact, you can also use #pause or #pause;).

As you would expect, the math equation is displayed step by step, making it suitable for presenters to demonstrate their math reasoning.

Complex Animation

In fact, we can also use only, uncover, and alternatives:

#slide(repeat: 3, self => [
#let (uncover, only, alternatives) = utils.methods(self)

f(x) &= pause x^2 + 2x + uncover("3-", 1) \
&= pause (x + 1)^2 \
