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Version: 0.2.x




  • Touying-reducer: support cetz and fletcher animation
  • university theme: add university theme


  • fix footer progress in metropolis theme
  • fix some bugs in simple and dewdrop themes
  • fix bug that outline does not display more than 4 sections


  • Object-oriented programming: Singleton s, binding methods utils.methods(s) and (self: obj, ..) => {..} methods.
  • Page arguments management: Instead of using #set page(..), you should use to retrieve or set page parameters, thereby avoiding unnecessary creation of new pages.
  • #pause for sequence content: You can use #pause at the outermost level of a slide, including inline and list.
  • #pause for layout functions: You can use the composer parameter to add yourself layout function like utils.side-by-side, and simply use multiple pos parameters like #slide[..][..].
  • #meanwhile for synchronous display: Provide a #meanwhile for resetting subslides counter.
  • #pause and #meanwhile for math equation: Provide a #touying-equation("x + y pause + z") for math equation animations.
  • Slides: Create simple slides using standard headings.
  • Callback-style uncover, only and alternatives: Based on the concise syntax provided by Polylux, allow precise control of the timing for displaying content.
    • You should manually control the number of subslides using the repeat parameter.
  • Transparent cover: Enable transparent cover using oop syntax like #let s = (s.methods.enable-transparent-cover)(self: s).
  • Handout mode: enable handout mode by #let s = (s.methods.enable-handout-mode)(self: s).
  • Fit-to-width and fit-to-height: Fit-to-width for title in header and fit-to-height for image.
    • true, shrink: true, width, body)
    • none, prescale-width: none, grow: true, shrink: true, height, body)
  • Slides counter: states.slide-counter.display() + " / " + states.last-slide-number and states.touying-progress(ratio => ..).
  • Appendix: Freeze the last-slide-number to prevent the slide number from increasing further.
  • Sections: Touying's built-in section support can be used to display the current section title and show progress.
    • section and subsection parameter in #slide to register a new section or subsection.
    • states.current-section-title to get the current section.
    • states.touying-outline or s.methods.touying-outline to display a outline of sections.
    • states.touying-final-sections(sections => ..) for custom outline display.
    • states.touying-progress-with-sections((current-sections: .., final-sections: .., current-slide-number: .., last-slide-number: ..) => ..) for powerful progress display.
  • Navigation bar: Navigation bar like here by states.touying-progress-with-sections(..), in dewdrop theme.
  • Pdfpc: pdfpc support and export .pdfpc file without external tool by typst query command simply.