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Version: 0.2.x

Getting Started

Before you begin, make sure you have installed the Typst environment. If not, you can use the Web App or the Tinymist LSP and Typst Preview plugins for VS Code.

To use Touying, you only need to include the following code in your document:

#import "@preview/touying:0.2.1": *

#let (init, slide, slides) = utils.methods(s)
#show: init

#show: slides

= Title

== First Slide

Hello, Touying!


Hello, Typst!


It's simple. Congratulations on creating your first Touying slide! πŸŽ‰

More Complex Examples​

In fact, Touying provides various styles for writing slides. For example, the above example uses first-level and second-level titles to create new slides. However, you can also use the #slide[..] format to access more powerful features provided by Touying.

#import "@preview/touying:0.2.1": *

#let s = (s.methods.enable-transparent-cover)(self: s)
#let (init, slide) = utils.methods(s)
#show: init

// simple animations
a simple #pause *dynamic*




meanwhile #pause with pause.
second #pause pause.

// complex animations
#slide(setting: body => {
set text(fill: blue)
}, repeat: 3, self => [
#let (uncover, only, alternatives) = utils.methods(self)

in subslide #self.subslide

test #uncover("2-")[uncover] function

test #only("2-")[only] function


and paused text.

// math equation animations
== Touying Equation

f(x) &= pause x^2 + 2x + 1 \
&= pause (x + 1)^2 \


Touying equation is very simple.

// multiple pages for one slide
== Multiple Pages for One Slide


// appendix by freezing last-slide-number
#let s = (s.methods.appendix)(self: s)
#let (slide,) = utils.methods(s)

== Appendix


In addition, Touying provides many built-in themes to easily create beautiful slides. Basically, you just need to add a line at the top of your document:

#let s = themes.metropolis.register(s, aspect-ratio: "16-9")

This will allow you to use the Metropolis theme. For more detailed tutorials, you can refer to the following chapters.