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Build Your Own Theme

Creating your own theme with Touying can be a bit complex due to the many concepts we've introduced. But rest assured, if you do create a theme with Touying, you might deeply appreciate the convenience and powerful customizability that Touying offers. You can refer to the source code of the themes. The main things you need to implement are:

  • Customizing the xxx-theme function;
  • Customizing the color theme, i.e., config-colors();
  • Customizing the header;
  • Customizing the footer;
  • Customizing the slide method;
  • Customizing special slide methods, such as title-slide and focus-slide methods;

To demonstrate how to create a theme with Touying, let's step by step create a simple and aesthetically pleasing Bamboo theme.

Modifying Existing Themes

If you want to modify a Touying internal theme locally instead of creating one from scratch, you can achieve this by:

  1. Copying the theme code from the themes directory to your local, for example, copying themes/university.typ to your local university.typ.
  2. Replacing the #import "../src/exports.typ": * command at the top of the university.typ file with #import "@preview/touying:0.6.1": *.

Then you can import and use the theme by:

#import "@preview/touying:0.6.1": *
#import "university.typ": *

#show: university-theme.with(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
title: [Title],
subtitle: [Subtitle],
author: [Authors],
institution: [Institution],


Depending on whether the theme is your own or part of Touying, you can import it in two ways:

If it's just for your own use, you can directly import Touying:

#import "@preview/touying:0.6.1": *

If you want the theme to be part of Touying, placed in the Touying themes directory, then you should change the import statement above to

#import "../src/exports.typ": *

And add

#import "bamboo.typ"

in Touying's themes/themes.typ.

register Function and init Method

Next, we will differentiate between the bamboo.typ template file and the main.typ file, which is sometimes omitted.

Generally, the first step in making slides is to determine the font size and page aspect ratio, so we need to register an initialization method:

// bamboo.typ
#import "@preview/touying:0.6.1": *

#let bamboo-theme(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
) = {
set text(size: 20pt)

show: touying-slides.with(
config-page(paper: "presentation-" + aspect-ratio),
slide-fn: slide,


// main.typ
#import "@preview/touying:0.6.1": *
#import "bamboo.typ": *

#show: bamboo-theme.with(aspect-ratio: "16-9")

= First Section

== First Slide

A slide with a title and an *important* information.

As you can see, we've created a bamboo-theme function and passed in an aspect-ratio parameter to set the page aspect ratio. We've also added set text(size: 20pt) to set the font size. You can also place some additional global style settings here, such as set par(justify: true), etc. If you need to use self, you might consider using config-methods(init: (self: none, body) => { .. }) to register an init method.

As you can see, later in main.typ, we apply our style settings through #show: bamboo-theme.with(aspect-ratio: "16-9"), and internally bamboo uses show: touying-slides.with() for corresponding configurations.

Color Theme

Picking an aesthetically pleasing color theme for your slides is key to making good slides. Touying provides built-in color theme support to minimize API differences between different themes. Touying offers two dimensions of color selection. The first dimension is neutral, primary, secondary, and tertiary, which are used to distinguish color tones, with primary being the most commonly used theme color. The second dimension is default, light, lighter, lightest, dark, darker, darkest, which are used to distinguish brightness levels.

Since we are creating the Bamboo theme, we have chosen a color close to bamboo for the primary theme color, rgb("#5E8B65"), and added neutral colors neutral-lightest, neutral-darkest, respectively, as the background and font colors.

As shown in the following code, we can use the config-colors() method to modify the color theme. Its essence is a wrapper for self.colors += (..).

#let bamboo-theme(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
) = {
set text(size: 20pt)

show: touying-slides.with(
config-page(paper: "presentation-" + aspect-ratio),
slide-fn: slide,
primary: rgb("#5E8B65"),
neutral-lightest: rgb("#ffffff"),
neutral-darkest: rgb("#000000"),


After adding the color theme as shown above, we can access this color through self.colors.primary.

It's also worth noting that users can change the color theme at any time in main.typ by using config-colors() or

#show: touying-set-config.with(config-colors(
primary: blue,
neutral-lightest: rgb("#ffffff"),
neutral-darkest: rgb("#000000"),

This feature of being able to change the color theme at any time is a testament to Touying's powerful customizability.

Practical: Custom Alert Method

Generally, we need to provide a #alert[..] function for users, similar to #strong[..], both of which are used to emphasize the current text. Typically, #alert[..] will change the text color to the theme color, which will look more aesthetically pleasing, and this is our next goal.

We add a line in the register function:

config-methods(alert: (self: none, it) => text(fill: self.colors.primary, it))

This code means to change the text color to self.colors.primary, and the self here is passed in through the parameter self: none, so that we can get the primary theme color in real-time.

We can also use a shorthand.

config-methods(alert: utils.alert-with-primary-color)

Here, I assume you have read the page layout section, so we know that we should add a header and footer to the slides.

First, we add config-store(title: none), which means that we save the current slide's title as a member variable inside self, making it convenient for us to use in the header and for subsequent modifications. Similarly, we also create a config-store(footer: footer) and save the footer: none parameter of the bamboo-theme function for display in the footer at the bottom left corner.

Then it's worth noting that our header is actually a content function with self as a parameter, like let header(self) = { .. }, rather than a simple content, so that we can get the information we need from the latest self, such as The footer is the same.

The components.cell used here is actually #let cell = block.with(width: 100%, height: 100%, above: 0pt, below: 0pt, breakable: false), and show: components.cell is also a shorthand for components.cell(body), and the show: pad.with(.4em) for the footer is the same.

Another point to note is that the utils module contains many contents and methods related to counters and states, such as utils.display-current-heading(level: 1) for displaying the current section, and context utils.slide-counter.display() + " / " + utils.last-slide-number for displaying the current page number and total number of pages.

We also find that we use syntax like, to display, which is to deal with the situation of = self => {..}, so that we can unify the display of content functions and content.

To ensure that the header and footer are displayed correctly and have enough spacing from the main text, we need to set the margin, such as config-page(margin: (top: 4em, bottom: 1.5em, x: 2em)).

We also need to customize a slide method, which accepts #let slide(title: auto, ..args) = touying-slide-wrapper(self => {..}), where self in the callback function is a required parameter to get the latest self; the second title is used to update for display in the header; the third ..args is used to collect the remaining parameters and pass them to touying-slide(self: self, ..args), which is also necessary for the normal functioning of Touying's slide feature. Moreover, we need to register this method in the bamboo-theme function using config-methods(slide: slide).

// bamboo.typ
#import "@preview/touying:0.6.1": *

#let slide(title: auto, ..args) = touying-slide-wrapper(self => {
if title != auto { = title
// set page
let header(self) = {
set align(top)
show: components.cell.with(fill: self.colors.primary, inset: 1em)
set align(horizon)
set text(fill: self.colors.neutral-lightest, size: .7em)
utils.display-current-heading(level: 1)
set text(size: 1.5em)
if != none {,
} else {
utils.display-current-heading(level: 2)
let footer(self) = {
set align(bottom)
show: pad.with(.4em)
set text(fill: self.colors.neutral-darkest, size: .8em),
context utils.slide-counter.display() + " / " + utils.last-slide-number
self = utils.merge-dicts(
header: header,
footer: footer,
touying-slide(self: self, ..args)

#let bamboo-theme(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
footer: none,
) = {
set text(size: 20pt)

show: touying-slides.with(
paper: "presentation-" + aspect-ratio,
margin: (top: 4em, bottom: 1.5em, x: 2em),
slide-fn: slide,
alert: utils.alert-with-primary-color,
primary: rgb("#5E8B65"),
neutral-lightest: rgb("#ffffff"),
neutral-darkest: rgb("#000000"),
title: none,
footer: footer,


// main.typ
#import "@preview/touying:0.6.1": *
#import "bamboo.typ": *

#show: bamboo-theme.with(aspect-ratio: "16-9")

= First Section

== First Slide

A slide with a title and an *important* information.


Custom Special Slides

On the basis of the basic slides we've created, we further add some special slide functions, such as title-slide, focus-slide, and custom slides methods.

For the title-slide method, first, we can obtain the information saved in through let info = + args.named(), and we can also update the information with args.named() passed in through the function parameters for subsequent use in the form of info.title. The specific page content body will vary for each theme, so I won't go into too much detail here.

For the new-section-slide method, it's the same, but the only thing to note is that we registered new-section-slide-fn: new-section-slide in config-methods(), so new-section-slide will be automatically called when encountering a first-level heading.

// bamboo.typ
#import "@preview/touying:0.6.1": *

#let slide(title: auto, ..args) = touying-slide-wrapper(self => {
if title != auto { = title
// set page
let header(self) = {
set align(top)
show: components.cell.with(fill: self.colors.primary, inset: 1em)
set align(horizon)
set text(fill: self.colors.neutral-lightest, size: .7em)
utils.display-current-heading(level: 1)
set text(size: 1.5em)
if != none {,
} else {
utils.display-current-heading(level: 2)
let footer(self) = {
set align(bottom)
show: pad.with(.4em)
set text(fill: self.colors.neutral-darkest, size: .8em),
context utils.slide-counter.display() + " / " + utils.last-slide-number
self = utils.merge-dicts(
header: header,
footer: footer,
touying-slide(self: self, ..args)

#let title-slide(..args) = touying-slide-wrapper(self => {
let info = + args.named()
let body = {
set align(center + horizon)
fill: self.colors.primary,
width: 80%,
inset: (y: 1em),
radius: 1em,
text(size: 2em, fill: self.colors.neutral-lightest, weight: "bold", info.title),
set text(fill: self.colors.neutral-darkest)
if != none {
if != none {
touying-slide(self: self, body)

#let new-section-slide(self: none, body) = touying-slide-wrapper(self => {
let main-body = {
set align(center + horizon)
set text(size: 2em, fill: self.colors.primary, weight: "bold", style: "italic")
utils.display-current-heading(level: 1)
touying-slide(self: self, main-body)

#let focus-slide(body) = touying-slide-wrapper(self => {
self = utils.merge-dicts(
fill: self.colors.primary,
margin: 2em,
set text(fill: self.colors.neutral-lightest, size: 2em)
touying-slide(self: self, align(horizon + center, body))

#let bamboo-theme(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
footer: none,
) = {
set text(size: 20pt)

show: touying-slides.with(
paper: "presentation-" + aspect-ratio,
margin: (top: 4em, bottom: 1.5em, x: 2em),
slide-fn: slide,
new-section-slide-fn: new-section-slide,
config-methods(alert: utils.alert-with-primary-color),
primary: rgb("#5E8B65"),
neutral-lightest: rgb("#ffffff"),
neutral-darkest: rgb("#000000"),
title: none,
footer: footer,


// main.typ
#import "@preview/touying:0.6.1": *
#import "bamboo.typ": *

#show: bamboo-theme.with(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
footer: self =>,
title: [Title],
subtitle: [Subtitle],
author: [Authors],
institution: [Institution],


= First Section

== First Slide

A slide with a title and an *important* information.

Focus on it!



Congratulations! You've created a simple and elegant theme. Perhaps you may find that Touying introduces a wealth of concepts, making it initially challenging to grasp. This is normal, as Touying opts for functionality over simplicity. However, thanks to Touying's comprehensive and unified approach, you can easily extract commonalities between different themes and transfer your knowledge seamlessly. You can also save global variables, modify existing themes, or switch between themes effortlessly, showcasing the benefits of Touying's decoupling.