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Version: 0.4.2

Dewdrop Theme


This theme takes inspiration from Zhibo Wang's BeamerTheme and has been modified by OrangeX4.

The Dewdrop theme features an elegantly designed navigation, including two modes: sidebar and mini-slides.


You can initialize it using the following code:

#import "@preview/touying:0.4.2": *

#let s = themes.dewdrop.register(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
footer: [Dewdrop],
navigation: "mini-slides",
// navigation: "sidebar",
// navigation: none,
#let s = (
self: s,
title: [Title],
subtitle: [Subtitle],
author: [Authors],
institution: [Institution],
#let (init, slides, touying-outline, alert, speaker-note) = utils.methods(s)
#show: init

#show strong: alert

#let (slide, empty-slide, title-slide, new-section-slide, focus-slide) = utils.slides(s)
#show: slides

The register function takes the following parameters:

  • aspect-ratio: The aspect ratio of the slides, either "16-9" or "4-3," defaulting to "16-9."
  • navigation: The navigation bar style, which can be "sidebar", "mini-slides", or none, defaulting to "sidebar".
  • sidebar: Sidebar navigation settings, defaulting to (width: 10em).
  • mini-slides: Mini-slides settings, defaulting to (height: 2em, x: 2em, section: false, subsection: true).
    • height: The height of mini-slides, defaulting to 2em.
    • x: Padding on the x-axis for mini-slides, defaulting to 2em.
    • section: Whether to display slides after the section and before the subsection, defaulting to false.
    • subsection: Whether to split mini-slides based on subsections or compress them into one line, defaulting to true.
  • footer: Content displayed in the footer, defaulting to [], or it can be passed as a function like self =>
  • footer-right: Content displayed on the right side of the footer, defaulting to states.slide-counter.display() + " / " + states.last-slide-number.
  • primary: Primary color, defaulting to rgb("#0c4842").
  • alpha: Transparency, defaulting to 70%.

The Dewdrop theme also provides an #alert[..] function, which you can use with #show strong: alert using the *alert text* syntax.

Color Theme

Dewdrop uses the following default color theme:

#let s = (s.methods.colors)(
self: s,
neutral-darkest: rgb("#000000"),
neutral-dark: rgb("#202020"),
neutral-light: rgb("#f3f3f3"),
neutral-lightest: rgb("#ffffff"),
primary: primary,

You can modify this color theme using #let s = (s.methods.colors)(self: s, ..).

Slide Function Family

The Dewdrop theme provides a variety of custom slide functions:

#title-slide(extra: none, ..args)

title-slide reads information from for display, and you can also pass in an extra parameter to display additional information.

repeat: auto,
setting: body => body,
composer: utils.side-by-side,
section: none,
subsection: none,
// Dewdrop theme
footer: auto,

A default slide with navigation and footer, where the footer is what you set.


Used to draw attention, with the background color set to self.colors.primary.

Special Functions

#d-outline(enum-args: (:), list-args: (:), cover: true)

Displays the current table of contents. The cover parameter specifies whether to hide sections in an inactive state.


An internal function used to display the sidebar.


An internal function used to display mini-slides.

slides Function

The slides function has the following parameters:

  • title-slide: Defaults to true.
  • outline-slide: Defaults to true.
  • slide-level: Defaults to 2.

You can set these using #show: slides.with(..).

PS: You can modify the outline title using #(s.outline-title = [Outline]).

And the function of automatically adding new-section-slide can be turned off by #(s.methods.touying-new-section-slide = none).

#import "@preview/touying:0.4.2": *

#let s = themes.dewdrop.register(aspect-ratio: "16-9", footer: [Dewdrop])
#let s = (
self: s,
title: [Title],
subtitle: [Subtitle],
author: [Authors],
institution: [Institution],
#let (init, slides, touying-outline, alert, speaker-note) = utils.methods(s)
#show: init

#show strong: alert

#let (slide, empty-slide, title-slide, new-section-slide, focus-slide) = utils.slides(s)
#show: slides

= Title

== First Slide

Hello, Touying!


Hello, Typst!



#import "@preview/touying:0.4.2": *

#let s = themes.dewdrop.register(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
footer: [Dewdrop],
navigation: "mini-slides",
// navigation: none,
#let s = (
self: s,
title: [Title],
subtitle: [Subtitle],
author: [Authors],
institution: [Institution],
#let (init, slides, touying-outline, alert, speaker-note) = utils.methods(s)
#show: init

#show strong: alert

#let (slide, empty-slide, title-slide, new-section-slide, focus-slide) = utils.slides(s)
#show: slides

= Section A

== Subsection A.1

A slide with equation:

$ x_(n+1) = (x_n + a/x_n) / 2 $

== Subsection A.2

A slide without a title but with *important* infos

= Section B

== Subsection B.1


Wake up!

== Subsection B.2

We can use `#pause` to #pause display something later.


Just like this.


Meanwhile, #pause we can also use `#meanwhile` to #pause display other content synchronously.

// appendix by freezing last-slide-number
#let s = (s.methods.appendix)(self: s)
#let (slide, empty-slide) = utils.slides(s)

= Appendix

=== Appendix

Please pay attention to the current slide number.