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Version: 0.2.x

Dewdrop Theme


This theme is inspired by BeamerTheme created by Zhibo Wang and transformed by OrangeX4.

The Dewdrop theme features an elegant and aesthetic navigation, including sidebar and mini-slides modes.


You can initialize the Dewdrop theme using the following code:

#import "@preview/touying:0.2.1": *

#let s = themes.dewdrop.register(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
footer: [Dewdrop],
navigation: "mini-slides",
// navigation: "sidebar",
// navigation: none,
#let s = (
self: s,
title: [Title],
subtitle: [Subtitle],
author: [Authors],
institution: [Institution],
#let s = (s.methods.enable-transparent-cover)(self: s)
#let (init, slide, slides, title-slide, focus-slide, touying-outline, alert) = utils.methods(s)
#show: init

#show strong: alert

The register function takes parameters such as:

  • aspect-ratio: The aspect ratio of the slides, either "16-9" or "4-3," with the default being "16-9."
  • navigation: Style of the navigation bar, which can be "sidebar," "mini-slides," or none, with the default being "sidebar."
  • sidebar: Settings for the sidebar navigation, with the default being (width: 10em).
  • mini-slides: Settings for mini-slides, with the default being (height: 2em, x: 2em, section: false, subsection: true).
  • footer: Content to be displayed in the footer, with the default being []. You can also pass a function like self =>
  • footer-right: Content to be displayed on the right side of the footer, with the default being states.slide-counter.display() + " / " + states.last-slide-number.
  • primary: Primary color, with the default being rgb("#0c4842").
  • alpha: Transparency, with the default being 70%.

The Dewdrop theme also provides an #alert[..] function that you can use with the #show strong: alert syntax.

Color Themes

Dewdrop uses the following default color theme:

#let s = (s.methods.colors)(
self: s,
neutral-darkest: rgb("#000000"),
neutral-dark: rgb("#202020"),
neutral-light: rgb("#f3f3f3"),
neutral-lightest: rgb("#ffffff"),
primary: primary,

You can modify the color theme using #let s = (s.methods.colors)(self: s, ..).

Slide Function Family

Dewdrop theme provides a series of custom slide functions:

#title-slide(extra: none, ..args)

The title-slide reads information from for display. You can also pass an extra parameter to display additional information.

repeat: auto,
setting: body => body,
composer: utils.side-by-side,
section: none,
subsection: none,
// Dewdrop theme
footer: auto,

This is the default ordinary slide function with a navigation bar and footer according to your settings.


Used to draw attention. The background color is self.colors.primary.

Special Functions

#d-outline(enum-args: (:), list-args: (:), cover: true)

Displays the current outline. The cover parameter specifies whether to hide sections that are inactive.


An internal function for displaying the sidebar.


An internal function for displaying mini-slides.

slides Function

The slides function has parameters:

  • title-slide: Default is true.
  • outline-slide: Default is true.
  • outline-title: Default is [Outline].

You can set these using #show: slides.with(..).

#import "@preview/touying:0.2.1": *

#let s = themes.dewdrop.register(s, aspect-ratio: "16-9", footer: [Dewdrop])
#let s = (
self: s,
title: [Title],
subtitle: [Subtitle],
author: [Authors],
institution: [Institution],
#let s = (s.methods.enable-transparent-cover)(self: s)
#let (init, slide, slides, title-slide, focus-slide, touying-outline, alert) = utils.methods(s)
#show: init

#show strong: alert

#show: slides

= Title

== First Slide

Hello, Touying!


Hello, Typst!



#import "@preview/touying:0.2.1": *

#let s = themes.dewdrop.register(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
footer: [Dewdrop],
navigation: "mini-slides",
// navigation: "sidebar",
// navigation: none,
#let s = (
self: s,
title: [Title],
subtitle: [Subtitle],
author: [Authors],
institution: [Institution],
#let s = (s.methods.enable-transparent-cover)(self: s)
// #let s = (s.methods.appendix-in-outline)(self: s, false)
#let (init, slide, title-slide, focus-slide, touying-outline, alert) = utils.methods(s)
#show: init

#show strong: alert


== Outline

#touying-outline(cover: false)

#slide(section: [Section A])[
== Outline


#slide(subsection: [Subsection A.1])[
== Title

A slide with equation:

$ x_(n+1) = (x_n + a/x_n) / 2 $

#slide(subsection: [Subsection A.2])[
== Important

A slide without a title but with *important* infos

#slide(section: [Section B])[
== Outline


#slide(subsection: [Subsection B.1])[
== Another Subsection


Wake up!

// simple animations
#slide(subsection: [Subsection B.2])[
== Dynamic

a simple #pause dynamic slide with #alert[alert]



// appendix by freezing last-slide-number
#let s = (s.methods.appendix)(self: s)
#let (slide,) = utils.methods(s)

#slide(section: [Appendix])[
== Outline

