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Stargazer Theme


The Stargazer theme, originally created by Coekjan for the touying-buaa project, is an aesthetically pleasing and versatile theme suitable for everyday use.


You can initialize the theme with the following code:

#import "@preview/touying:0.6.1": *
#import themes.stargazer: *

#import "@preview/numbly:0.1.0": numbly

#show: stargazer-theme.with(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
title: [Stargazer in Touying: Customize Your Slide Title Here],
subtitle: [Customize Your Slide Subtitle Here],
author: [Authors],
institution: [Institution],

#set heading(numbering: numbly("{1}.", default: "1.1"))



The stargazer-theme accepts the following parameters:

  • aspect-ratio: The aspect ratio of the slides, either "16-9" or "4-3", with a default of "16-9".
  • align: The alignment of the slides, with a default of horizon.
  • alpha: The transparency of the slides, with a default of 20%.
  • title: The content displayed in the header, with a default of utils.display-current-heading(), or you can pass a function like self =>
  • progress-bar: Whether to display a progress bar at the bottom of the slide, with a default of true.
  • footer-columns: The widths of the three footer columns, with a default of (25%, 25%, 1fr, 5em).
  • footer-a: The first column, with a default of self =>
  • footer-b: The second column, with a default of self => utils.display-info-date(self).
  • footer-c: The third column, with a default of self => if == auto { } else { }.
  • footer-d: The fourth column, with a default of context utils.slide-counter.display() + " / " + utils.last-slide-number.

Color Theme

The Stargazer theme uses the following color scheme by default:

primary: rgb("#005bac"),
primary-dark: rgb("#004078"),
secondary: rgb("#ffffff"),
tertiary: rgb("#005bac"),
neutral-lightest: rgb("#ffffff"),
neutral-darkest: rgb("#000000"),

You can modify this color scheme using config-colors().

Slide Function Family

The Stargazer theme offers a variety of custom slide functions:

#title-slide(extra: none, ..args)

title-slide reads information from for display, and you can also pass an extra parameter for additional information.

config: (:),
repeat: auto,
setting: body => body,
composer: components.side-by-side,
// stargazer theme
title: auto,
footer: auto,
align: horizon,

A standard slide function with a title and footer by default, where title defaults to the current section title, and the footer is the one you set.


Used to add a table of contents slide.


Used to draw the audience's attention. The background color is self.colors.primary-dark.

#new-section-slide(short-title: auto, title)

Start a new section with the given title.


#import "@preview/touying:0.6.1": *
#import themes.stargazer: *

#import "@preview/numbly:0.1.0": numbly

#show: stargazer-theme.with(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
title: [Stargazer in Touying: Customize Your Slide Title Here],
subtitle: [Customize Your Slide Subtitle Here],
author: [Authors],
institution: [Institution],

#set heading(numbering: numbly("{1}.", default: "1.1"))



= Section A

== Subsection A.1

#tblock(title: [Theorem])[
A simple theorem.

$ x_(n+1) = (x_n + a / x_n) / 2 $

== Subsection A.2

A slide without a title but with *important* information.

= Section B

== Subsection B.1


Wake up!

== Subsection B.2

We can use `#pause` to #pause display something later.


Just like this.


Meanwhile, #pause we can also use `#meanwhile` to #pause display other content synchronously.

#show: appendix

= Appendix

== Appendix

Please pay attention to the current slide number.