

在开始之前,请确保您已经安装了 Typst 环境,如果没有,可以使用 Web App 或 VS Code 的 Tinymist LSP 插件。

要使用 Touying,您只需要在文档里加入

#import "@preview/touying:0.3.3": *

#let s = themes.simple.register()
#let (init, slides) = utils.methods(s)
#show: init

#let (slide, empty-slide) = utils.slides(s)
#show: slides

= Title

== First Slide

Hello, Touying!


Hello, Typst!


这很简单,您创建了您的第一个 Touying slides,恭喜!🎉

提示: 你可以使用 #import "config.typ": *#include "content.typ" 等 Typst 语法来实现 Touying 的多文件架构。

警告: #let (slide, empty-slide) = utils.slides(s) 里的逗号对于解包语法来说是必要的!


事实上,Touying 提供了多种 slides 编写风格,实际上您也可以使用 #slide[..] 的写法,以获得 Touying 提供的更多更强大的功能。

#import "@preview/touying:0.3.3": *
#import "@preview/cetz:0.2.1"
#import "@preview/fletcher:0.4.2" as fletcher: node, edge

// cetz and fletcher bindings for touying
#let cetz-canvas = touying-reducer.with(reduce: cetz.canvas, cover: cetz.draw.hide.with(bounds: true))
#let fletcher-diagram = touying-reducer.with(reduce: (arr, ..args) => fletcher.diagram(..args, ..arr))

// Register university theme
// You can replace it with other themes and it can still work normally
#let s = themes.university.register(aspect-ratio: "16-9")

// Global information configuration
#let s = (s.methods.info)(
self: s,
title: [Title],
subtitle: [Subtitle],
author: [Authors],
date: datetime.today(),
institution: [Institution],

// Pdfpc configuration
// typst query --root . ./example.typ --field value --one "<pdfpc-file>" > ./example.pdfpc
#let s = (s.methods.append-preamble)(self: s, pdfpc.config(
duration-minutes: 30,
start-time: datetime(hour: 14, minute: 10, second: 0),
end-time: datetime(hour: 14, minute: 40, second: 0),
last-minutes: 5,
note-font-size: 12,
disable-markdown: false,
default-transition: (
type: "push",
duration-seconds: 2,
angle: ltr,
alignment: "vertical",
direction: "inward",

// Extract methods
#let (init, slides, touying-outline, alert) = utils.methods(s)
#show: init

#show strong: alert

// Extract slide functions
#let (slide, empty-slide) = utils.slides(s)
#show: slides

= Animation

== Simple Animation

We can use `#pause` to #pause display something later.


Just like this.


Meanwhile, #pause we can also use `#meanwhile` to #pause display other content synchronously.

== Complex Animation

#slide(repeat: 3, self => [
#let (uncover, only, alternatives) = utils.methods(self)

At subslide #self.subslide, we can

use #uncover("2-")[`#uncover` function] for reserving space,

use #only("2-")[`#only` function] for not reserving space,

#alternatives[call `#only` multiple times \u{2717}][use `#alternatives` function #sym.checkmark] for choosing one of the alternatives.

== Math Equation Animation

Touying equation with `pause`:

f(x) &= pause x^2 + 2x + 1 \
&= pause (x + 1)^2 \


Here, #pause we have the expression of $f(x)$.


By factorizing, we can obtain this result.

== CeTZ Animation

CeTZ Animation in Touying:

import cetz.draw: *

rect((0,0), (5,5))


rect((0,0), (1,1))
rect((1,1), (2,2))
rect((2,2), (3,3))


line((0,0), (2.5, 2.5), name: "line")

== Fletcher Animation

Fletcher Animation in Touying:

node-stroke: .1em,
node-fill: gradient.radial(blue.lighten(80%), blue, center: (30%, 20%), radius: 80%),
spacing: 4em,
edge((-1,0), "r", "-|>", `open(path)`, label-pos: 0, label-side: center),
node((0,0), `reading`, radius: 2em),
edge((0,0), (0,0), `read()`, "--|>", bend: 130deg),
edge(`read()`, "-|>"),
node((1,0), `eof`, radius: 2em),
edge(`close()`, "-|>"),
node((2,0), `closed`, radius: 2em, extrude: (-2.5, 0)),
edge((0,0), (2,0), `close()`, "-|>", bend: -40deg),

= Others

== Side-by-side

First column.
Second column.

== Multiple Pages


// appendix by freezing last-slide-number
#let s = (s.methods.appendix)(self: s)
#let (slide, empty-slide) = utils.slides(s)

== Appendix

Please pay attention to the current slide number.


Touying 提供了很多内置的主题,能够简单地编写精美的 slides,例如此处的

#let s = themes.university.register(aspect-ratio: "16-9")

可以使用 university 主题。关于主题更详细的教程,您可以参阅后面的章节。